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North Oaks Sports Medicine Announces Program Enhancements

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  • Written By: Melanie Lanaux Zaffuto
North Oaks Sports Medicine Announces Program Enhancements

The North Oaks Sports Medicine team utilized the downtime caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic to re-evaluate and redesign service delivery to each of its partner schools under the tutelage of Drs. Katy Morris and Jeffery Witty他们是经过委员会认证和奖学金培训的整形外科医生和运动医学专家.

Already staffed by nationally certified collegiate, high school and junior high athletic trainers, as well as sports-focused physical therapists and nutritionists, the program recently welcomed Clinical Supervisor Rebecca Troulliet, who is a board-certified physical therapy sports clinical specialist, and Sports Performance Specialist Taylor Dunn to the team.

With the redesign completed, student-athletes, 每个合作学校的教练和家长现在都从一个更全面的项目中受益. 北橡树运动医学的专家利用科学驱动的运动和营养计划,以提高运动表现和防止受伤,并能够部署先进的技术领域 diagnostic imaging, concussion management, orthopedics, emergency and trauma care, as well as surgical and rehabilitative services when injuries occur.


“The end result is a more personalized level of care for our student-athletes,” affirms Troulliet.

“With the health and safety of more than 1,000 student-athletes being our No. 1 priority, we knew our traditional one-day screening model would not work in the midst of the pandemic,” continues Troulliet. “So, for the first time in our history, we performed physicals for each partner school’s student-athletes on their home turf. 采取一切必要的预防措施和隔离措施,为他们创造安全的生活环境.”


北橡树运动医学制定了一项计划,在两周内访问合作学校,以确保在LHSAA 10月9日之前完成新的体检并存档. 1 extension of 2019-2020 physicals lapsed.

A team of 15 to 20 health care professionals traveled to each school to perform the physicals, including orthopedic and primary care providers, nationally certified athletic trainers, physical therapists and other medical specialists. Up to 50 physicals per hour can be completed utilizing this model, according to Troulliet.

Jason St. 沃克高中的校长皮埃尔认为,现场教学模式为所有人创造了双赢的局面.

“对于我们的学生运动员和教练来说,在学校进行体检当然更方便, and it creates a great opportunity for networking among North Oaks health care professionals, our administration and coaches, student-athletes and their parents,” St. Pierre continues. “这表明北橡树运动医学致力于我们的社区以及我们运动项目的成功和安全.”

At Walker High School, health care professionals were able to perform the physicals in the school’s new gym, 为北橡树运动医学提供专门的诊所空间,以照顾男女学生运动员.

At other schools, gyms, cafeterias, 教室甚至走廊都被改造成与社会保持距离的等候区和私人检查室,需要进行所有的体检, including blood pressure, pulse, heart, lung, height, weight and vision checks. 一些学生运动员还会接受骨科筛查,检查从头到脚的活动范围和力量,并评估自上次体检以来的任何损伤.

Such was the case at Ponchatoula High School, where North Oaks Primary Care Physician Gayle Beyl, M.D., performed a heart and lung check on rising senior and Greenwave basketball standout Ryan Elzy.

Elzy, who plays guard and achieved the career milestone of topping the 1,000-point-threshold in his junior season, 他表示,他赞赏在庞查图拉高中体育课期间为加强社交距离和其他普遍预防措施所做的努力.

“I felt safe,” Elzy explains.

Incoming freshman Darcy Mattei likewise said she felt safe, giving a nod to the overall cleanliness and sophisticated organization of the event. Mattei hopes to play softball and volleyball for the Greenwave.

Her father Tim Mattei, who has been Ponchatoula High School’s athletic director for 15 years, also felt physical day flowed well.

“Having the full-time services of North Oaks Sports Medicine Athletic Trainer Nick Owens is great. In cases of injuries, 他与北橡树的医生和治疗师合作,加快诊断和康复,帮助我们的教练减轻压力,这样我们的学生运动员就能尽可能安全、快速地回到训练室和赛场上,” Mattei asserts. “And now we are fortunate that North Oaks is offering sports performance services. 我真的很兴奋,这个新成员有潜力提升我们的学生运动员个人和我们整个项目的成功.”

Taylor Dunn

体育表演专家泰勒·邓恩(Taylor Dunn)为北橡树的合作学校的体育表演铺平了道路. He comes to the program with national certifications as a strength and conditioning specialist, tactical strength and conditioning facilitator, and in weightlifting and basic life support. 他预计将于12月毕业,获得塔斯卡卢萨阿拉巴马大学(University of Alabama)的运动机能学硕士学位. 他此前获得了巴吞鲁日路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University)的运动学学士学位,辅修心理学.

He is a U.S. Army veteran who served from 2013-2016 in the 101st Airborne Division on the 3rd Brigade Combat Team receiving Afghanistan Campaign with Campaign Star, Army Commendation, Army Achievement, Army Good Conduct and Global War on Terrorism Service medals.

While in school pursuing his profession, he took advantage of internships and other opportunities to gain real world experience. Among his endeavors were serving as a quarterback coach for Woodlawn High School in Baton Rouge, 奥林匹克举重教练马特·布鲁斯的布鲁斯杠铃/蛮力在线训练项目的力量和调节实习生,以及阿拉巴马大学足球的研究生实习生, volleyball and track & field teams.

“We are excited to have Taylor join us. His wealth of knowledge in strength and conditioning brings a new dimension to our team,” notes Troulliet. “Despite the obstacles presented by COVID-19, 他正在与我们合作学校的教练合作,为他们提供个性化的见解和帮助,以提高学生运动员的表现. In addition to inperson instruction, he’s utilizing face-to-face, virtual meetings, apps and videos as methods of instruction. Whether it be corrective lifting techniques, speed, agility or footwork, Taylor has it all.”

Rebecca Troulliet

Troulliet has been with the health system since 2017. She previously served as a physical therapist with North Oaks Rehabilitation Services. Last year, 美国运动物理治疗学会(AASPT)将她选为来自美国各地的三位专业人士之一.S. to participate in the prestigious Kevin Wilk Traveling Fellowship.

Troulliet获得了位于哈蒙德的东南路易斯安那大学(SLU)的运动机能学学士学位,以及位于新奥尔良的路易斯安那州立大学健康科学中心的物理治疗博士学位. She is an active alumna of SLU, having served as an inaugural board member for the university’s GOLD Council, 哪个领导组织致力于培养和维持与过去十年毕业生的关系.

Professionally, 自2017年以来,她一直担任路易斯安那州物理治疗协会北岸区主席,并且是美国物理治疗协会的成员.

自2018年以来,Troulliet还作为SLU足球比赛的副业报道志愿者,以及自2017年以来在Tangipahoa教区的高中足球比赛,贡献了她的时间和专业知识. In 2017 and 2019, she served as a medical volunteer for the Rock-n-Roll Marathon in New Orleans.

Ryan Elzy and Dr. Gayle Beyl

North Oaks Primary Care Physician Gayle Beyl, M.D., performs a heart and lung check on rising senior and Greenwave basketball standout Ryan Elzy.

Elzy, who plays guard and achieved the career milestone of topping the 1,000-point-threshold in his junior season, 他表示,他赞赏在庞查图拉高中体育课期间为加强社交距离和其他普遍预防措施所做的努力. 

The Mattei family and Athletic Trainer Nick Owens

Incoming freshman Darcy Mattei, who attended the screening event with her brothers Ren and Whyt, likewise said she felt safe, giving a nod to the overall cleanliness and sophisticated organization of the event. Mattei hopes to play softball and volleyball for the Greenwave. Her father Tim Mattei, who has been Ponchatoula High School’s athletic director for 15 years, also felt physical day flowed well. Darcy is pictured at center with her father Tim, brothers Ren and Whyt and North Oaks Sports Medicine Athletic Trainer Nick Owens.

Jason St. Pierre and Athletic Trainer Anthony Baham

Jason St. 沃克高中的校长皮埃尔认为,现场教学模式为所有人创造了双赢的局面. He is pictured with North Oaks Sports Medicine Athletic Trainer Anthony Baham.